Friday, May 8, 2015

Old Tappan's Earth Day Fair Review

Health > Special Event By CGI Holistic Wellness Center

CGI offered free aura readings and was there to represent ECO, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which helps people to create change in their lives to support peace and sustainability locally and globally.

At the end of April, CGI was invited to attend Earth Day in Old Tappan, to celebrate the Earth and to educate others on how to properly care for the one place that we all live in. Each vendor who attended had something valuable to share, and offered tips on how to preserve our lovely world. From the benefits of solar energy and solar panels, to the negative effects of fracking, all the way to crystal healing, recyclable crafts, and free pine tree sprigs, the atmosphere of the day was all about helping and sustaining the earth.

CGI offered free aura readings and was there to represent ECO, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which helps people to create change in their lives to support peace and sustainability locally and globally. The foundation of the training and education that ECO provides for are practice for mindfulness and leadership for people who desire to initiate the change in their lives and community. ECO  participants, called Heroes, cultivate qualities such as integrity, kindness, conscience and willingness to serve all. These Heroes share what they have learned via outreach classes and community service projects in their area. Heroes are typically young adults who want to create a change in their environment by acting together as a community.

Those who came to CGI’s table were able to receive chair massages for a donation of their choice, with all proceeds going to ECO. Aura readings shocked and amazed people, while educating them about their physical and energetic condition. Some attendees decided to participate in the Heroes /ECO movement while others decided to come to relax through our yoga classes and free workshops.

For more information about ECO and it’s movement please visit

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