Monday, November 10, 2014

Give, Give and Give

Health > CGI Healthy Life By CGI Holistic Wellness Center

Healing is more than making someone feel better physically, mentally, or emotionally. It is a process that begins with you and naturally transfers to others.

Have you even considered becoming a healer? I do not only mean a Reiki therapist or masseuse; a healer can be a doctor, therapist, health coach, trainer, acupuncturist and anyone who consults, cures and manages other’s physical, emotional and mental health. You certainly can become a healer and make your career out of it, but being a healer doesn’t have to just be a career. There are many others who study to become one just to be able to help their family and others they care about.
Healing is more than making someone feel better physically, mentally, or emotionally. It is a process that begins with you and naturally transfers to others. Some people attempt to heal but only get hurt. Such examples are found below.

Type 1. Give, Give and Give – This type of healer focused on only healing others and loses all of his/her energy while assisting others.
Type 2. I, me and myself – This type of healer focuses solely on their gains and benefits while assisting others. They may do anything for their financial gain, even at the cost of their clients.
Type 3. Treat people only if it benefits me – This type of healer helps others only if there are benefits in it for him/her self. Their main concern is their own benefit and the wellness of their clients comes second. 
These are not the types of healers that we aim to create. Sessions from the above types bring little result to the client, and the healer. The healers that we seek to create are ones who hold the core values of healing. Healing comes from the heart, not the head, and incorporates give and take; what the healer gives to the client is also given to the healer him/her self. While knowledge and skills are necessary to know the how-tos of healing, our healer course takes on a different direction.
CGI looks forward to being the gateway where healers can realize the true source of healing power which benefits others as well as the self. Learn to uncover the secret to strengthen your healing energy to truly heal people from their physical, emotional and mental illnesses with us.

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