Flu and cold are common in winter. Nearly everyone
gets a cold or flu once in their life. Some don’t get it that often and recover
quickly if they catch it while others cough and sneeze for a week or even longer.
This difference comes from their immune system. Now I assume that most of you
know how the immune system works. It is very important that you know how to
improve your immune system to become healthier you.

Yoga/ Tai-chi
Swimming/Acua Aerobic
Gym work out (Not too heavy)
If you are already sick, try not to exercise and rest until
you recover from it. Exercising while you are sick may make it worse and
can be also dangerous. Also, along with your exercise and diet plan, try to
keep your abdomen area warm while keeping your head cool. This promotes good
blood and energy circulation which also helps boost your immune system. Visit
CGI Website to learn more about these exercises.
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