Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Healing family open classes - Dahn Yoga, Tai Chi/Dahn Mu Do (FREE TRIAL!!)


CGI Holistic Fitness & Spa is proud to announce our FREE Healing Family open classes. Our open Dahn Yoga classes will take place on September 11th and 14th.
Dahn Yoga practices methods of healing and strengthening the physical body, calming emotions and quieting the mind to awaken our true nature. Our classes are open to all levels of physical health and do not require any previous experience. 
All open Dahn Yoga classes will include the following:

• Basic dahn yoga – utilizes Meridian stretching, proper breathing techniques and energy meditation

• Evaluation session – checking energy flow in meridian channels

• Intestine healing – 10 minute relaxation session with healing tea

Classes will take place in the CGI Holistic Fitness & Spa Tao Wellness Yoga Studio (2nd floor) on:

- Wednesday, September 11th, 2013 at 6 pm

- Saturday, September 14th, 2013 at 10 am

- Saturday, September 14th, 2013 at 12 pm

RSVP by Wednesday, September 11th, 2013 by (Tel) 201-784-1300 or (Email)

2. Tai Chi/Dahn Mu Do

CGI Holistic Fitness & Spa is proud to announce our FREE Healing Family open classes. Our open Tai Chi/Dahn Mu Do classes will take place on September 10th and 12th.
Tai Chi/Dahn Mu Do is an energy-based, non-combative, healing martial art with roots dating back thousands of years into oriental healing and martial art history. It consists of programs and forms designed to horizontally re-align the pelvis and shoulders and vertically align the spine as a foundation for a healthy body. This will allow inner organs to balance themselves creating an increase in internal ki-energy circulation. As a result, your immune system will strengthen and your natural healing power will increase. 
All open Tai Chi/Dahn Mu Do classes will include the following:

• Basic Tai Chi/Dahn Mu Do posture exercises

• Basic Tai Chi/Dahn Mu Do punching exercises

• Proper healing positions and breathing practices to enhance Tai Chi/Dahn Mu Do technique

Classes will take place in the CGI Holistic Fitness & Spa Taorobic Room (2nd floor) on:

- Thursday, September 12th, 2013 at 7:30 pm

RSVP by Wednesday, September 1th, 2013 by (Tel) 201-784-1300 or (Email)


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