Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Rebellious Children

Rebellion is not something new. We have all rebelled at one point or another. Once you recognize that rebellion is a natural process, the task of handling it and muddling through it comes in to play.

Health > Special Event By CGI Holistic Wellness Center

As September rolls around, many parents encounter the traditional protests of their children not wanting to go back to school. Rebelling, when it comes to school, seems to be in a child's nature. We all did it at some point, after all. However, what if there was more to it?

In today's society, a rebelling child normally means much, much more than a simple 'I don't want to go to school!' We are living in a society where it seems even the most innocent can turn on us. Children turn around and attack their family with weapons or fists. Social media adds more pressure on to tweens and teens, nearly forcing them to conform to a specific ideal.
Rebellion is not something new. We have all rebelled at one point or another. Once you recognize that rebellion is a natural process, the task of handling it and muddling through it comes in to play.
Parents must realize that times have changed since they were children. Today's children face more pressure, stress, and obstacles than past generations. Why is this?  Let's review the following:
  More peer pressure
  Overall lack of respect in society
  Too lenient parents, giving the thought that no one will care anyway if a negative thing is done
  Too spoiled, giving an expectant attitude that the child deserves everything
  Lack of good role models for family and goals
  Single-parent homes (lack of attention or proper care)
  Latch Key children (Both parents work and are not available)
  Step-families / potentially feeling left out or isolated
  Parent acts like a teenager, so why should child listen?
  Unsupervised teen social situations
  Parental fear of confrontation

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