Friday, November 28, 2014

Healing Night Workshop - Review

Health > Special Event By CGI Holistic Wellness Center

They all realized that the most important aspect of healing is to have an open heart and to deliver love with a sincere heart to help others.

This past Monday, November 24th, the Holistic Wellness Center had a free "healing night" event for members and the public to learn basic energy healing techniques. Twenty-two participants attended the event and came to find ways to heal and properly take care of their body. Also, they learned a few ways to heal their family and friends.

The participants practiced foot massage, opening the heart chakra and lung meridian, how to evaluate the internal organs, healing the organs, and sending good energy into the body. They all realized that the most important aspect of healing is to have an open heart and to deliver love with a sincere heart to help others.

When one wants to help another from the bottom of his heart, the heart naturally opens and receives energy to deliver to the other person.  In the process of healing another, he is healed first.

Energy healing is different than other types of healing therapy. The focus is to open the major energy pathways (meridians), acupressure points and energy centers (chakras) in the body by releasing stagnant energy. This stagnant is what contributes to pain and illness. Once released, the body and mind can relax.  This process jump-starts the body's natural healing power, and people can feel refreshed and energized afterwards!

At the end of the workshop the participants faces were bright and beaming. They looked so relaxed and they shared that they received much good energy.  One member shared that she came in with stress and tension in her neck, and after the session, her pain was completely released

Next Healing Program Schedules:

1. Healing Day

Wednesday, December 10th 
11:30AM ~1:00PM
Location: Energy Yoga Center

2. Healing Night

Monday, December 15th
7:30PM ~9:30PM
Location: Energy Yoga Center

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