Monday, July 30, 2012

What is a detox program and why should you consider getting one?

In the environment that we are living in today, detoxification of major organs and systems is essential to maintaining health. You can take vitamins, supplements, and antioxidants, but you won't see your health turn around if your colon is filled with putrid fecal matter or if your liver and kidneys can't clean toxins out of your blood and perform its daily functions.          

A toxin is anything that is foreign to the body as opposed to friendly to, or part of, the body.  Toxins can originate either in the environment or in the body itself. When the accumulation of toxins results in the manifestation of actual symptoms, people should seek out detox programs. The process and medical condition by which toxins become actively toxic is called toxicosis.

Sources of toxins: endogenous (metabolic and microbial toxins) and exogenous (chemical, heavy metal toxins, radiation).

As potential pathogens, toxins represent a predisposing disease factor. They are almost always silent and symptom-free until they are activated or triggered into disease by trigger factors (emotional imbalance, endocrine/hormonal imbalance, compromised immunity and so on.) toxicosis is a huge factor in the etiology and presentation of many types of disorders today. toxicosis creates entire syndromes that can be correlated with both Western disease conditions and Chinese medical syndromes.
The presence of toxins produces functional, nor organic disturbances, which can be described as various syndromes such as malaise, irritability, fatigue, headaches, digestive problems, sleeping problems, skin issue, changes in urination or bowel movement.

General Body Detox programs include:

-Herbal Medicine- general and lymphatic detox, liver detox, intestinal detox, kidney detox, Immune system restoration, liver/adrenal system restoration, intestinal micro flora restoration, neuroendocrine /blood restoration
-Essential oils, nutrition and diet, juice fast, physical exercises, breathing exercises, heat therapy, sauna therapy, massage, therapeutic bath and wraps, nutritional supplements.

 by Olga Ivashkov
Health Consultant 
CGI Holistic Fitness & Spa
201-784-5575 x124
call Olga for your detox session today!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Wanted : Recycled Eyeglasses for Sight

CGI is helping to collect your old glasses. 
Stop by the front desk and donate your used glasses today.
Thank you for helping us to make a difference in the lives of someone less fortunate.

WANTED: Recycled Eyeglasses for Sight.  For the month of August, please support
Recycling for Sight: a prescription glasses for rural eye health donation drive.

Please donate your adult and/or children’s prescription glasses, reading glasses, and
sunglasses (for all ages).Eight out of every ten citizens of El Salvador have vision problems, but
many of them lack reasonable  access to eye care. A charitable group called ASAPROSAR (an acronym for the Spanish translation of “Salvadoran Association for Rural Health”), formed in 1988, regularly
sponsors teams of healthcare professionals who travel to El Salvador to provide eye care to local residents in need.

Zinaria Williams, MD (New York, NY) has donated her time and expertise as a member of the Friends of ASAPROSAR medical teams in 2006, 2008, and January 2012. This an American non-profit organization travels to El Salvador for one week every January to provide eye care (both medical and surgical) to the neediest people living in rural areas of the country. These are individuals who would otherwise have little to no access to eye care and possibly never have the opportunity to be fitted for a pair of eyeglasses.
Receiving a pair of prescription glasses allows these patients to read, sew, farm, and work. For
some, the impact can be life changing.
During the week-long campaign, patients try glasses that most closely fit their personal prescriptions. While
they may not walk out with a pair that exactly matches their prescription, the way we do here in America, they do leave with significantly better vision than they came in with. The more prescription glasses we have, the better chance we can match a patient with a near-perfect fit.  Please join in contributing to this worthwhile cause by donating glasses during this collection drive.